Mr. Knight,

So, how come the Republicans are SO much better when it comes to dirty tricks?

Attached are the “memos” which supposedly were written in 1972. This was, of course, before your time.

It was also BEFORE WORD PROCESSORS! Any moron knows that in 1972, a memo typed in a National Guard installation would have used COURIER and looked like a goddamn typewritten memo.

It would NOT have used Times Roman. It would NOT be proportionally spaced. And it sure as hell wouldn’t have had superscripts.

Whoever created these memos is an idiot. And the “experts” at CBS who corroborated it should be strung up by their lower case descenders and apostrophed to death.

And don’t even get me started on Dan Rather (“people keep getting sidetracked by the details and ignore the story”). Hello, Dan? The memos ARE the fucking story! Without the memos, there IS no story! And the memos are fakes!

It’s like showing up with a typewritten letter from George Washington and saying, “Well, it sounds like his writing, so it must be real!”

